Carl recently discovered yoga. I think it came from an Arthur episode on PBS. Then one day he heard his Aunt Carolyn talk about going to yoga and he wanted to go with her. Soon after he was putting himself into odd poses and saying, "Look Momma, yoga." So, yesterday while at the library I found a couple kids yoga DVD's. We watched one last night... watched... he didn't want to do it he just wanted to watch. Today he asked to watch it again. This time, occasionally, he would try and mimic some of the poses. It was fun. It was hard for him but nice to do it together, especially trying to help him.
He is such a sweet boy... most of the time. I am lucky to have such healthy, precious and loving children.
When Willow gets a little older we can all do yoga.
I had to teach a workshop yesterday and was away most of the day. Willow joined me while Carl stayed home and played with Brian. This is what we usually do. I know it's a catch 22 for Brian... it is much easier to just care for one child but it is hard for him that he doesn't get to spend as much time with Willow. So the time he does spend is very precious. He is such a good Dad.
Though if Carl is around, he too wants to share in the love. He adores Willow... and his Daddy. Looks like somebody said something funny.
And all this sweetness, well, it does make me smile.
Well, we have been working at potty training with Carl and it seems in the last week that it is really happening. We've certainly made attempts in the past but this week he seems to have decided, with Backyardigans, that it is a good thing. So, yesterday we bought him some underpants and he has been wearing them during the day (not nap time or bed time) and we, well he, has had one accident. (I myself have not had an accident in, well frankly I can't remember. So either that's a good thing or I've blocked it out. As for Brian, I am not sure, I did hear Carl mentioning something the other day about his Daddy pooping his pants... so I don't know.) Anyway, here's Carl sporting his new undies. Nemo.
Meanwhile, Willow sits on the sidelines cheering on her brother. Go Carl, GO!!!
Just don't ask her when she's gonna start on the potty. She get's real defensive. Check out those fists!
And to end this... I thought I'd get Carl's help on a little video on how he feels about his sister.
Well another crazy day in the Bullen house. I'm always trying to think of ways to amuse Carl while releasing his energy. And does he ever have energy! The last couple days have been dancing. So today we decided to create his reel for Star Search. Willow joined us for part of it though I think she preferred observing, at least for now. Judging by the expression oh her face, she enjoyed the show. Later Carl passed the moments, while I was feeding Willow, with his letter stickerbook. Notice he is still wearing his tap shoes. The same shoes he refused to take off when we went to pick Wilson up at the airport yesterday. Cute! And even later he was surprised by the mail carrier bringing him an amazing sticker book made by Kate and Linda. This he enjoyed putting together with his Uncle Wilson and I. A storybook they wrote that included pictures of his family and friends as stickers that Carl added. He is such a loved and lucky boy. It's always good to have lots of things to do. It lessens the boredom and time outs. We had a couple of those today... being two is hard. Especially for a boy with an over abundance of energy and a tired Mommy trying to make sure both kids know I see and love them very much!
Well, it seems Carl has acquired my sensitive nose. I was informed this morning that I smell. "Momma you need a shower. You smelly...'cause you haven't showered in awhile." Thank you Carl. That is what he told me this morning as he was laying beside me. So, it's been a couple days - I don't shower every day as my skin can't take it. And really it's just one of those things that seems hard to find the time for. Brian's work day mornings are already so full. Naptime is for napping and at night I am so tired. But this morning, so as to not make Carl sick, I squeezed in a shower while Willow rested and Carl watched Brian get ready for work. It was quick (now that I have kids they usually are) but it did the trick. Carl says I smell good now. Phew.
Today is Willow's 1 month birthday. Hard to believe a month has passed already. It's incredible how things in life alter the way time passing feels.
There's really no consistent feeling in that either. I mean it isn't always that good things feel like they have passed quickly and harder things go slow. Seems like that would make sense. Little in life does.
One thing I know for sure is the amazing love I feel for our children. When I look at Carl and Willow, two amazing lives that Brian and I created, but who are developing into their own persons, I am just taken away. All the stresses of day to day life fade and all that really matters is the health and happiness and those we love.
Today was my first day at home with Carl and Willow alone.
It was a full day. I only had about 3 hours of sleep last night. The usual feedings and then around 3 Willow was up and not wanting to go back to sleep. I walked with her and eventually found myself in the office downstairs. Finally, around 6ish she dozed off. 10 minutes later I heard Brian and Carl preparing to come downstairs. I anxiously awaited naptime.
The morning was spent making wings for my little Carl birdie,
painting, coloring, taking turns holding Willow, playing on the front porch, reading, a little tv while I through together lasagna for dinner and finally nap time.
Did I say naptime???? I put Willow in her bed while I went to read to Carl and tuck him in. As I walked into our bedroom to go to sleep, Willow started crying. She did not want to nap. I thought for sure if I fed her more she would doze off. It worked, just as Carl was waking up! I went in only to be yelled at, "I want Daddy!" So I reminded him that Daddy was working. He told me to go downstairs and I walked out, back to our room to lay down for 10 minutes before he wanted to go downstairs. Oh well, what can you do.
So we spent the afternoon, after lunch and a few fruit nuggets, (he did share with me so I can't be all that bad I guess) entertaining ourselves as best we could. He said he was sad his Daddy was at work. Me too. Anyway, we went to the park for awhile with Aunt Carolyn, saw Uncle Wilson and Darin, made oatmeal cookies and more turns holding Willow. Okay, there was a time our in there for hitting Willow due to a breakdown caused by low blood sugar and no snack. So up to his room with a snack... a banana. And eventually, after what probably seemed like forever to Carl, his daddy came home.
It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. There were a few moments I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do... but you just do the best you can and hope that is enough. All I can say is I love them... exhaustion or not!