Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It' been awhile

Today was my first day at home with Carl and Willow alone.

It was a full day. I only had about 3 hours of sleep last night. The usual feedings and then around 3 Willow was up and not wanting to go back to sleep. I walked with her and eventually found myself in the office downstairs. Finally, around 6ish she dozed off. 10 minutes later I heard Brian and Carl preparing to come downstairs.
I anxiously awaited naptime.

The morning was spent making wings for my little Carl birdie,

painting, coloring, taking turns holding Willow, playing on the front porch, reading, a little tv while I through together lasagna for dinner and finally nap time.

Did I say naptime???? I put Willow in her bed while I went to read to Carl and tuck him in. As I walked into our bedroom to go to sleep, Willow started crying. She did not want to nap. I thought for sure if I fed her more she would doze off. It worked, just as Carl was waking up! I went in only to be yelled at, "I want Daddy!" So I reminded him that Daddy was working. He told me to go downstairs and I walked out, back to our room to lay down for 10 minutes before he wanted to go downstairs. Oh well, what can you do.

So we spent the afternoon, after lunch and a few fruit nuggets, (he did share with me so I can't be all that bad I guess)
entertaining ourselves as best we could. He said he was sad his Daddy was at work. Me too. Anyway, we went to the park for awhile with Aunt Carolyn, saw Uncle Wilson and Darin, made oatmeal cookies and more turns holding Willow. Okay, there was a time our in there for hitting Willow due to a breakdown caused by low blood sugar and no snack. So up to his room with a snack... a banana. And eventually, after what probably seemed like forever to Carl, his daddy came home.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. There were a few moments I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do... but you just do the best you can and hope that is enough. All I can say is I love them... exhaustion or not!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you all,Mom

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how the birdie wings create devil horns for Carl too.....hmmmm is he trying to tell us something :) Auntie Christy loves you all!!!

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so cool that you made wings for Carl -- just can't believe how much you did (and on how little sleep!) Wish things were easier, but I'm so glad you have Willow and Carl. Love you guys!

3:56 PM  

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