I can't believe it

Today is Willow's 1 month birthday. Hard to believe a month has passed already.
It's incredible how things in life alter the way time passing feels.

There's really no consistent feeling in that either. I mean it isn't always that good things feel like they have passed quickly and harder things go slow. Seems like that would make sense. Little in life does.

One thing I know for sure is the amazing love I feel for our children. When I look at Carl and Willow, two amazing lives that Brian and I created, but who are developing into their own persons, I am just taken away. All the stresses of day to day life fade and all that really matters is the health and happiness and those we love.

Life is good.
It really is hard to beleive she is a month old already. She is such a doll.Love you all,Mom
And she get more beautiful with each day! Sometimes the things you write bring tears to my eyes because I remember have the very same thoughts and reactions when my boys were growing up. Even now sometimes when I look at them as adults I am very proud of who they are. Brian is such a great father and seems to be such a great husband (especially since his role model was not a good one). Brian is so sensitive and it shows in the way he holds his children and interacts with them. I especially remember the times when I was down or not up to par and their sweetness just made me feel so grateful for the fact that they were mine. I love them greatly as adults but I often miss the growing up years and marveling at how precious they were. Don't know why the first comment the other day didn't show up - hope this one does. I just commented on how as each of you get syncronized things will fall into place when you are taking care of them both and everything will be great (most of the time). Just want you to know how much I love you, Brian, Carl and Willow and I miss you all terribly! Lots of Love, Gramma
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