Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bedtime questions

Each night after brushing teeth, books or stories, a back rub, flipping of his pillow, a hug, a kiss and some dream powder the night time questions begin. It's Carl's way of prolonging our departure from the room.
Tonight went something like this:
"Momma, when are my legs going to fall off?"
"Carl, what do you mean?"
"When are they going to fall off?"
"Your legs won't fall off Carl."
"But what if I break them and they can't put them back together?"
"Honey, if you break your leg they should be able to fix them for you. But I hope that doesn't happen. That's enough Carl. Good night sweetie."
"One more thing. But Momma, how do I get a peg leg then, how do people get peg legs?"
"People don't really get peg legs anymore honey. We have something called prosthetics, a type of special plastic that can look and operate close to a real leg. But I hope you won't need that either."
"Why Momma?"
"I just hope you won't. Okay, goodnight Carl."
"Just one more question." As he is pulling his leg from the bed. "What is the big bone attached to my leg?"
"That's your hip honey. Now you need to go to sleep we have a big day ahead of us."
"Good night Momma." And with a big smile, " I like my legs."
"Me too sweetie. Sweet dreams."

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Brian's day off...

To me that means my day with Carl and Willow.
Because I have been working full time I just don't get as much focused time with the kids as I would like and I really look forward to these days. Our days.
Today we decided to venture out to the Children's Museum.We started on the top floor and worked out way down. Water is always a big hit, especially when it has rubber bugs, snakes and other things to throw in it. A great place to start exploring.

My hero...

Willow and Carl walked together hand in hand through much of our visit. It was such a joy to watch. Carl very gently lead her around and seemed to keep an eye on her. And, of course, she had her eye on him.She watched him for clues on what to do and where to go next.
They would smile at each other and Carl would lean in and kiss Willow's hand.
They just enjoyed each other and I enjoyed them.
And then it was time to get to work... delivering the mail.

More from the museum...

After delivering the mail it was time to go for some painting. Face painting. Carl enjoyed doing most of his himself. Tried for a little on mine and a dot on Willow.
Willow relaxed in her stroller and enjoyed some pretzels. Or Bahku's. That's what she calls them.
On the way out Carl found amusement in a few unexpected discoveries... this stretchable ball that he had to get inside of.
And of course, a fire truck.
It was a wonderful morning and was about to be finished up by a trip to Ziggy's for grilled cheese and fries. Sadly, when we arrived we found Ziggy's has closed. Permanently. "What does permanently mean momma?" Poor Carl was devastated that his favorite lunch place is no longer open. I heard a numbers of whys, why did they close, there were cars there, why didn't they want to have a restaurant anymore...... So we found ourselves at Perkins as it was the closest place and time was an issue. The kids enjoyed it but I can tell you, it will not be our Ziggy replacement.

Friday, January 04, 2008

18 months or 1 & 1/2 years

My oh my they are really starting to look like little kids, toddlers, small people... no longer a baby though always my babies. Funny how that works.

My happy 1 and a half year old and 4 and one quarter year old bundles of love.
As always I am filled with joy as I look at these two. My life is full of love and in the times of fear and sadness those faces are what I find hope and happiness in.