Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Riding the range...

Our friend Barbara just returned from Texas where she found a cowboy hat for Carl. (She thought about a lasso and six shooter but thought that might be too much. Thank you Barbara!)
This hat is too cute and perfect as he has been watching the Backyardigans pretend to be cowboys and cowgirls traveling to Texas for a "hoe down".
Meanwhile, Willow has been enjoying swinging in the door. (As long as Carl is out of pushing range, of course.)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Having our family visit is always special...

Kate came to town for a few days. It went fast but it sure was nice to spend time with her. Here Willow enjoys looking at a book with her...I think Kate was pretty happy too.
Next week is her birthday and we surprised her with a birthday celebration the night before she left. Carl made her a painting and as a thank you she made Carl a butterfly card. Here he shows off his card.

He spent much of the evening looking at his card. At one point as he was folding and unfolding it he said, "I love Kate."
Can't wait til she and Linda are in their house... just a few hundred steps away!
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Willow tried her first teaspoon of cereal. She has been quite interested in our food and the doctor said we could see how she did. You'd think from her interest and forcefulness at getting the spoon that she was ready...

Not quite yet - she didn't keep much in. We'll try again in a month or two.

Carl spent the weekend playing mostly with his Daddy. He really is his Daddy's boy. (I was making a cake today and used some mint chocolate chips in it. Carl asked for some so I gave him about 5 pieces in a cup. He quickly drank/ate them and asked for more. I said he could have a couple more but that was it... they are a treat and that he should savior them - eat one at a time. He just looked at me and asked, "Why?" Like I said, just like his Daddy.
Anyway, we did have a nice morning together.... some coloring, some playing with cars and a little snuggling too. And then there are the special weekend mornings when Willow wakes up and I call in Carl... he comes to the door, "Willow awake Momma? Can I turn the light on?" I say yes, he turns it on and very excitedly climbs into our bed to snuggy Willow. Brian, Carl, Willow, Smokey and I all lay in our bed for awhile just taking in the love. It is a treasure, indeed.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Soooo tired

While Carl was napping today (a THREE and a HALF HOUR nap) Willow and I played on the floor.
Apparently it was exhausting. Or... I am quite boring.

Yesterday was Halloween. And Carl's second taste of "real" candy - as in chocolate, as in kit kat. After just a tiny taste he was all hands grabbing for the bowl - in went his hand snatching another piece and popping it into his mouth - wrapper and all! After that and getting him to finally settle down he convinced me to let him help me hand candy out. "I promise I will be good Momma" ... skeptical but I said I'd let him. He had me all surprised and so proud... until a couple tricker treaters down the line he put one in their bag and the other in his mouth. Then realizing what he was doing he took it out of his mouth and was ready to put it in their bag. I stopped him before he dropped it in and asked if he put it in his mouth. "Yes Momma, but it was an accident."
Ahh, the cuteness.