
Willow tried her first teaspoon of cereal. She has been quite interested in our food and the doctor said we could see how she did. You'd think from her interest and forcefulness at getting the spoon that she was ready...

Not quite yet - she didn't keep much in. We'll try again in a month or two.

Carl spent the weekend playing mostly with his Daddy. He really is his Daddy's boy. (I was making a cake today and used some mint chocolate chips in it. Carl asked for some so I gave him about 5 pieces in a cup. He quickly drank/ate them and asked for more. I said he could have a couple more but that was it... they are a treat and that he should savior them - eat one at a time. He just looked at me and asked, "Why?" Like I said, just like his Daddy.
Anyway, we did have a nice morning together.... some coloring, some playing with cars and a little snuggling too. And then there are the special weekend mornings when Willow wakes up and I call in Carl... he comes to the door, "Willow awake Momma? Can I turn the light on?" I say yes, he turns it on and very excitedly climbs into our bed to snuggy Willow. Brian, Carl, Willow, Smokey and I all lay in our bed for awhile just taking in the love. It is a treasure, indeed.
Maybe she just wants to feed herself.
Carl got his sweettooth from his daddy [because you don't have one, RIGHT?]
Hugs & Kisses,Mom/Nana
Such a wonderful family for them to grow up in -- so willing to show love and caring.
Willow is so expressive -- it will be so neat to see her grow up! It's great that both of you are around enough for them to really spend time with you.
Thank you so for the pictures and the words -- they are so very appreciated, as are you all.
What a big girl - she does look more than ready to feed herself. I just love seeing the pictures and ready both your and Brian's words about watching and enjoying your children so much. It brings to mind so many of the special times and moments with my own boys when they were growing up. So much very special love to share amongst yourselves and others. Thank you so very much for making it so easy to be able to share from so very far away. Sending loads and loads of love, hugs and kisses to you all! Gramma
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