Soooo tired

While Carl was napping today (a THREE and a HALF HOUR nap) Willow and I played on the floor.
Apparently it was exhausting. Or... I am quite boring.

Yesterday was Halloween. And Carl's second taste of "real" candy - as in chocolate, as in kit kat. After just a tiny taste he was all hands grabbing for the bowl - in went his hand snatching another piece and popping it into his mouth - wrapper and all! After that and getting him to finally settle down he convinced me to let him help me hand candy out. "I promise I will be good Momma" ... skeptical but I said I'd let him. He had me all surprised and so proud... until a couple tricker treaters down the line he put one in their bag and the other in his mouth. Then realizing what he was doing he took it out of his mouth and was ready to put it in their bag. I stopped him before he dropped it in and asked if he put it in his mouth. "Yes Momma, but it was an accident."
Ahh, the cuteness.

So Willow is going to be like Reese and go to sleep anywhere.
They both make sweet little lions.
Hugs & Kisses, Nana/Mom
Oh how I wish I could have been there to watch and enjoy. Not being able to be with the kids on these special days is so much harder each time I come to visit and get to experience their precious little beings. Every time I go in the stores and see all of the great stuff it brings to mind all of the neat things I could experience and share with them. If only I could afford to come and live there for just a portion of the year how wonderful that would be. I miss you all so very much and send all of my love, hugs and kisses your way. Gramma
I thought the carpet was orange when I was there? Gramma
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