Watching Ramona
Carolyn and Wilson both had to work this afternoon and so I offered to spend some time with Ramona. It has been a pleasant time. A trip to Target, wandering around showing Ramona the "Webb Swiszcz Museum", (That's how I refer to their house when I bring Willow over. There are soooo many interesting things to look at.) And of course there was some eating, sleeping (Ramona not me), a poop out (AGAIN, Ramona NOT me) and a visit over to see Carl while Brian put Willow down for a nap.
Carl adores Ramona and these pictures do capture that. He asked to hold her and snuggled up on the couch waiting patiently his little legs crossed.
I set her in his arms and he just cooed over her. "Look at her little ears. What's in her eyes? Look at those little baby toes. Her eyes are blue, like mine. Look at her Momma. I love Ramona." It was very sweet.
And then she fell asleep and he really liked that. 
But after a few minutes I think he wasn't sure what to do, trying to stay so still.

And then, well, he just rubbed ber toes very gently.
Carl adores Ramona and these pictures do capture that. He asked to hold her and snuggled up on the couch waiting patiently his little legs crossed.
I set her in his arms and he just cooed over her. "Look at her little ears. What's in her eyes? Look at those little baby toes. Her eyes are blue, like mine. Look at her Momma. I love Ramona." It was very sweet.
But after a few minutes I think he wasn't sure what to do, trying to stay so still.