Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Watching Ramona

Carolyn and Wilson both had to work this afternoon and so I offered to spend some time with Ramona. It has been a pleasant time. A trip to Target, wandering around showing Ramona the "Webb Swiszcz Museum", (That's how I refer to their house when I bring Willow over. There are soooo many interesting things to look at.) And of course there was some eating, sleeping (Ramona not me), a poop out (AGAIN, Ramona NOT me) and a visit over to see Carl while Brian put Willow down for a nap.
Carl adores Ramona and these pictures do capture that. He asked to hold her and snuggled up on the couch waiting patiently his little legs crossed.
I set her in his arms and he just cooed over her. "Look at her little ears. What's in her eyes? Look at those little baby toes. Her eyes are blue, like mine. Look at her Momma. I love Ramona." It was very sweet.
And then she fell asleep and he really liked that.
But after a few minutes I think he wasn't sure what to do, trying to stay so still.

And then, well, he just rubbed ber toes very gently.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The last two days I have had the opportunity to be at home with the kids while Brian was out working. It's been nice. Nice to be reminded of the love we share and things we get to do together when together all day. Nice to just be without worrying about the work tasks, schedules, etc.
To paint, read, dance, go to the library and just be silly.
Of course I am also reminded of all those other things that make staying at home hard work. A different type of multi tasking... playing/entertaining while also trying to make lunch or dinner.... cleaning up... putting one down for a nap while trying to figure out how and where to entertain the other. Then throw in a sibling fight, pushes and pinches, whining from hunger, refusal to eat, peeing on the floor, screaming... just to add a few and well, you get the picture.
Brian asked me the other day how I liked working full time. I explained that although I do enjoy working, I also miss being around our children. If I didn't work from home I don't think I could do it. Of course it helps that I enjoy what I do. But having been here the last two days I realize how much I DO miss this time with them. And hard as it can be, in the heat of those crazy moments, it is very special and rewarding.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Quiet times

At first Carl wasn't very excited about sharing or reading together...
But then he really started to enjoy Willow. And she of course enjoyed him.
These were some very sweet moments that warm my heart.

I am so excited to watch their relationship and friendship develop. Of course there will be hard times, but I sense they will be close and that really makes me smile. So much love!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Fair, Pt. 5 The end.

By the time we got to the car Carl was exhausted and already into what was his usual nap time. He sat down on Nikki's lap and just relaxed. At one point I told him he looked so tired he should just rest his eyes. He actually shut them and sat there for a bit. It was a very endearing moment. Nikki was great with him and I so appreciated her patience as well as excitement. She came with no expectations, an open heart and lots of knowledge of the fair grounds. (Thank goodness, I would have gotten us lost for sure!) So keep in mind Wilson... if we do go together... you better have studied the map! : )

The Fair, Pt. 4

And then it was time for the animals....
This little pig was just a day old and Carl was very gentle and taken by the moment. He stood there for some time just petting it's head. Interestingly he had no interest in petting the baby cow. He looked but didn't want to touch it. He also got to see a baby duck and some tiny chicks pecking their way out of eggs.
He pet the sheep with Nikki. A pregnant momma... there were lots of them but no little ones yet.
It was an exhausting morning. Carl had a blast and Nikki was just great. I am happy we went.
And I will do it again.

The Fair, Pt. 3

Cotton candy in hand we were on our next mission when we were suddenly stop in our tracks... FIRE TRUCKS!!! So we walked up and when the firefighter asked Carl if he wanted to get IN the truck CArl just looked with amazement. I think he might have peed himself. (Just kidding!)
We visited each of the trucks and he even had a Firefighter explain what all the buttons, nozzles, drains, gauges, etc. on the truck were for. She was very nice and when Carl heard she had been all the way up the fire truck ladder a number of times.... well he just looked at her with pure admiration. It was sweet and I think she sensed his amazement as well. We saw he again later and she smiled at him and said hello.
Then we found him a hat which he eagerly put on and was ready for another seat inside a truck. This Firefighter was very nice (look how Carl is looking at him) and helped him into the front of the truck. It was so funny because he was so amazed by it all he didn't even touch anything inside the trucks.... and there were a lot of buttons, gears, radios, etc.
This was one happy boy. And maybe it excites a lot of kids... it's the age or whatever... but I can't help thinking of my Dad. And when I reminded Carl tonight at bedtime that his Grampa Carl was a Firefighter he got a huge smile on his face and said, "Really?"

The Fair, Pt. 2

Of course much of the time was spent going from machine place to machine place. He actually saw the John Deere sign before we did! John Deere, Snapper, Bobcat and more manufacturers that I knew existed or machines I could even pretend to know what they were used for. If ever there was a time I felt impaired, it was surely on machine hill. Though I did have my favorites and this was one of them...
There was an entire section of antique tractors which I found interesting. Carl seemed to like them too.... but it just didn't seem to hold him as much as the bigger ones with more gears.

It was fun to watch and he was so good. He was patient if there were other kids, he wasn't too rough. Though I had to wonder... do they actually intend to sell these machines? The machines all these kids are ramming into gear, jumping on, slamming buttons???
After the machines... and it wasn't easy to get away from them. He ate some cheddar bunnies while we roamed through RVs. Carl enjoyed trying out the bunk beds and imagining falling out but landing on a sleeping Momma. This had him so delighted and taken by laughter he actually almost fell out of one!
Then he had some lunch... I know we were at the fair but he had a peanut butter and jelly. And he ate it right up. At one point he did give us all a scare. And I mean all of us within a 100 yard radius. He let out one of his blood curdling, glass breaking screams. Just out of the blue, no reason... well, I think he was just so overwhelmed by the experience. But people asked if everything was okay, commented on his lungs and just looked at us while we smiled and apologized. Then we had a conversation about the effects of what he had just done. He took it in as much as he could before changing the topic to cotton candy.
Which was our next venture. Cotton candy on the way to the Miracle of Birth barn.

The MN State Fair Pt. 1

I have to say it went a lot better than I anticipated. Carl and I picked Nikki up about 9AM and were at the fair by around 9:15AM. We opted to park close thinking it would be easier for Carl. I think that was a good call. We were there for about 3 hours... a tidge more and the first thing we did was head for the machines......

As you can imagine, this was a dream. He seemed to know all the buttons to push, gears to shift and doors to open. He was a natural and at moments was so mesmerized by the experience he was almost paralyzed. It was wonderful to see so much excitement.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

If the pants fit...

So, here is Willow. Pants on, holding Zoe and checking out Baby Jaguar. Cute huh?

Here's Willow, notice the pants. Levi's jeans. 12 month size. They fit nicely. Very hip.
Now here's Carl. Notice his pants.
Yes, they are the SAME pants. Willow's pants. Size 12 months on almost 4 year old Carl.
He is quite content to wear them. Even insisted he wear them to the Chinese Food restaurant to pick up our take-out. I think it's cute. He said, "I like them. They fit good."
They make me smile.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Multi tasking

Lately everything has been about balance and time. Balancing time. Timing balance. And multi tasking to attempt to be most efficient in both. Though a dear friend recently informed me that multi tasking is the sign of a stressed mind. Hmmmm... I MUST have a stressed mind 'cause my life is all about multi tasking and finding ways to most efficiently (and without money) buy more time and accomplish the most I can in what I have. Can you actually buy time? I should google that.
Here Carl attempts to assist. Brian is putting Willow to sleep while I try to keep working but entertain Carl by making him think he is working for/with me. It's amazing how interesting and exciting the things on my desk can be.
Ever used a mini hole puncher?

He really gets into his work. A dedicated helper. You just have to make sure you don't have anything you don't want holes in close by. I learned this the hard way.

But what does it all come down to? Just slowing down enough to relax and enjoy those dear moments. And try and keep up with getting things on the blog of course! We can only do our best, right?