The Fair, Pt. 5 The end.
By the time we got to the car Carl was exhausted and already into what was his usual nap time. He sat down on Nikki's lap and just relaxed. At one point I told him he looked so tired he should just rest his eyes. He actually shut them and sat there for a bit. It was a very endearing moment. Nikki was great with him and I so appreciated her patience as well as excitement. She came with no expectations, an open heart and lots of knowledge of the fair grounds. (Thank goodness, I would have gotten us lost for sure!) So keep in mind Wilson... if we do go together... you better have studied the map! : )

It looks like Carl had the time of his life! I wish I could have been there also to see his excitement. Thanks so much for all the pictures and sharing this special time with all of us who love you all so very much. Love, Ruth/Gramma
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