Our first snow
We got our first snow today. Not much of a snow but enough to get everyone excited.
This is good. Willow has been saying she doesn't like winter or snow. Brian said this is my fault and that I need to be careful what I say. Apparently I heavily influence our children. Who woulda' thought? So last night I was saying things like, "I love winter! I love snow! I love to stomp in it, play with it, make snow people..." And Carl chimed in, "I like to eat it!" So Willow started thinking about it and finally said, "I'll eat snow! I like snow." Thank goodness because it was snowing when we got up today.
She immediately wanted to go out in it. So after breakfast, and watching Carl off to school,we put on our "beginning of winter clothes" and headed out. I gathered what i could to try and help her make a mini snow person but every ball of snow I handed her ended up on the ground to be STOMPED on. Eventually she understood what I was trying to do and helped me finish. She carried it around for awhile and then asked," Momma, can I stomp on it?"