Tuesday, July 31, 2007

To ham or not to ham...

While one child smiles and is all eager to be on camera the other turns away with a grimace or gives a forced smile. This is how it is.
In the days as of late, rare but treasured are the moments when the moods coincide, when the naps overlap and when they both sleep through the night. Yet I know, this too shall pass. And when it does, I will miss my babies. Time passes quickly and with it they grow, develop... emerge into their own little or big selves. Independent and so smart! I am amazed, overwhelmed, excited, tired and always, always... in love!

Monday, July 23, 2007

They make me smile

I just feel like time escapes me even more so lately. And sometimes having two kids feels like twenty. I'm up early (the Bullen kids don't like to sleep in much even when up the night before being rocked several times for what seems hours on end) and often I'm to bed later that I'd like (it's 11:15PM now) ... just to try and get some things done while also anticipating Willow waking. And then of course there are the moments of silence. Still, the house is a mess, I have accounting to do and finally I am getting to updating this blog.

And yet I find so much joy in my life and my family. Even the chaos and yes, even some of the mess. There was a moment at dinner tonight... Willow was screeching (a recent discovery that makes her laugh and the glass and me shutter), Carl was laughing and returning the dolphin call, while Brian and I were trying to have a conversation... it was so ridiculous none of us could help from laughing.

Laughing is good, especially in the moments that feel so loony. It's easier to get caught up in the frustration but much more fun to just go with it and enjoy. And with these smiles.... how can I not enjoy and be so in love!