Monday, April 23, 2007

The young photographer

I was looking at Carl and Brian side by side tonight just amazed at their similarities. Same facial expressions, same lips, nose... and I am not shocked really, they are father and son, but was just in awe of it and feeling great love for them both.
Of course I see other similarities as well. Interest in the outdoors, plants, birds and well...Carl is Brian's mini me.
Another example is his interest in his camera again. (Thanks Nana) Here Carl takes a lovely portrait of Willow and I.
Kate and Linda sent the kids a package and it arrived today. Carl loves his mail but passed on opening it so he could take some photo's - this is a big deal. (Thank you so much K and L. I love the blankets! And Carl really liked all his goodies too.) Here Brian and Willow are working on opening the box while Carl documents the process.

And this one, well this is very special as it is his first picture of "his" Anneliese

And after he took that I asked if I could take one of the two of them. He answered with a very enthusiastic yes for that. They sure are cute - he is very much in love with her always trying to be close, rubbing her back gently, trying to hug her. Tonight when he saw her outside he put his hands on both sides of his head and said, "Oh!! My Anneliese is outside!" And then as she rode by on her scooter he yelled, "Anneliese you wanna play?"
Then I took a portrait of just Anneliese that I will print out for Carl. She is very sweet and kind to Carl. After he went down her rope swing and hurt his hands she helped him wipe them off and asked if he was okay. She also got him water for the dandelion she picked for him. A broom for each of them to sweep the sidewalk. And most importantly, she is learning to run slow enough so he can catch her when they play chase. Now that is a true friend!
I feel lucky to have such good neighbors.

View from inside

You probably saw Brian's blog and if not you should check it out. This is my view.While Brian was out with the kids I was supposed to be working. But it was nice out and I had the window open. Yes, I was distracted but how could you not be watching all this going on??
He definately had his hands full.

It looked to me like Willow really wanted to help with the documentation.
They all had a lovely time while I, peering from inside, did manage to get some work done.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pure sweetness...

I am feeling exhausted today as Willow has not been sleeping well - her poor teeth (or the ones not yet seen) really seem to be bothering her and nights have been the hardest.

I suppose the rain and overcast day have not helped with my sleepiness either.
Though the kids did get some time outside with Daddy (and his new camera) this morning before the rain kicked in. (I am sure you will get photo's soon.)

Brian's birthday surprise was a success and thank you to our dear family (Ruth, Mom, Christy, Lewis, Kate, Linda, Wilson and Carolyn) for making it possible. After the initial shock he is now like a kid with a new toy. It fills me with joy as he takes in all our love and thankfulness for him in our lives. I suspect we will see great things come through Brian's eye and the new purchase.

Here are a few sweet moments he captured last week, before the new camera.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A difference in weather

While those of you on the East Coast were digging and making things in the snow.... We were playing in the dirt...
And enjoying the sun. So maybe this nice weather won't stay. But we are certainly enjoying it as much as we can.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Wishing you a Happy Easter!

It was easier to get Willow to pose than Carl. He was so silly. They are both a joy and even in the moments that feel crazy, I feel lucky.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

9 months

Believe it or not I did take the 9 month photo on the right day - just didn't get to updating on time. But what is a day late, right?
Besides, a day later and you get a bonus picture. Willow sharing some one on one time with Uncle Wilson after Carl went to bed. Very sweet.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Covered up

I've been looking for a robe for Carl for awhile now and had not found one. I mentioned it when Kate was here last week. Today Carl got a package in the mail and this is what he found.....

So cute!
Thank you Kate and Linda!