Dodge Nature Center Preschool

The School
This morning we took Carl to see the preschool we would like him to attend starting this summer.
We had mentioned last week that we had an appointment for a tour. He responded both then and again this AM as we were getting ready that he has no interest in going. He absolutely did not want to go and even said, "I don't love anybody there. I want to hurt people." Just his way of expressing his complete desire to not do something mixed with his fear. We of course told him we understood that it is sometimes scary to do new things but that we really thought he would like it.
Anyway, once there and I mean as soon as we walked in the door, he immediately wanted to do everything. They have a cozy "living room" with a fire place and toys where we waited. And then we went into one of the classrooms where there was a sand box (that was the first thing he played with), paints, wood to nail into, a chicken! a snake! a bunny, a turtle, cars, a loft area, birds, huge outdoor area to play, books, scissors and glue sticks and all the crayons and creative materials you could think of, a kitchen where the kids prepared snack.... there were 3 classrooms (all with very close to the same things (different animals) Classes were about 18 (at the most) and all had 3 teachers. Parents are encouraged to come if they like and there were 2 there. Each child is assigned a classroom where they have lockers and mailboxes, they do chores and play and well, I think I would like to sign up!
So, we came home with Carl saying I don't want to go home - I want to go back to school. (Oh, I forgot to mention he had a melt down while we were there because he wanted to stay in one of the classrooms and play! Poor guy was crying so hard I had to pick him up!)
Anyway, we hope he will be able to get in for the Fall for 3 mornings and that they will give him a scholarship! (And that they don't mind that I come to play as well. I promise to leave Carl alone with the other kids.)