Not for the weak stomached...
Today as I came out from putting Willow down for a nap Carl said, "Momma I picked my nose." I sighed, but then it got worse.
Yes you guessed it, "Momma I ate the boogie." My response, a gag and "Gross Carl gross. That is so yucky." Of course that is meaningless and in return only gets a, "Why?"
Then later telling Brian about it we were mortified and yet trying to control laughter as he said, "I ate it, put it on my tongue, then it went down here (pointing to his throat) and then all the way to my toes. Then it turned to poop."
That pretty much sums it up for a three year old boy, or at least our three year old boy.
And then of course there was the sweetness earlier as I fed Willow he rocked his baby (Grinch). How cute! Then saying it was time for his baby to eat, looks down at his chest and says, "How I feed him, there no pokey things on me?"
Ah, kids - how cute they can be!
Yes you guessed it, "Momma I ate the boogie." My response, a gag and "Gross Carl gross. That is so yucky." Of course that is meaningless and in return only gets a, "Why?"
Then later telling Brian about it we were mortified and yet trying to control laughter as he said, "I ate it, put it on my tongue, then it went down here (pointing to his throat) and then all the way to my toes. Then it turned to poop."
That pretty much sums it up for a three year old boy, or at least our three year old boy.
And then of course there was the sweetness earlier as I fed Willow he rocked his baby (Grinch). How cute! Then saying it was time for his baby to eat, looks down at his chest and says, "How I feed him, there no pokey things on me?"
Ah, kids - how cute they can be!