It does feel like it just zips by at times. Time that is. Even with all the difficult things that have happened in life I feel it is just moving all so fast. Sometimes too fast.
Especially when I look at our children.
It's easy to get caught up in the day to day things, the "stuff" that needs to get done and it's easy to get lost in that at times. But being in this place of feeling the time passing, taking a moment to just stop and evaluate what is really important and feeling the joy this life, these children and the love and adventure they create..... well it brings some clarity and a different perspective. What is really important? Maybe it differs or changes for us all through out our lives but I really see the importance in just stopping and taking moments to take life in, to breathe and to really feel and be present while experiencing life through love. Maybe that sounds a little to cliché, maybe. Still, it is authentic.
Willow 1 month
And 1 year later...
We were being silly. She has a good sense of humor and does love to laugh.
And reminiscing even more... Carl just days after his birth...
And almost 4 years later....
I may be busy, it may get hectic and challenging but I am filled with love and appreciation for this live... with these lives.
Especially when I look at our children.
It's easy to get caught up in the day to day things, the "stuff" that needs to get done and it's easy to get lost in that at times. But being in this place of feeling the time passing, taking a moment to just stop and evaluate what is really important and feeling the joy this life, these children and the love and adventure they create..... well it brings some clarity and a different perspective. What is really important? Maybe it differs or changes for us all through out our lives but I really see the importance in just stopping and taking moments to take life in, to breathe and to really feel and be present while experiencing life through love. Maybe that sounds a little to cliché, maybe. Still, it is authentic.
Willow 1 month

I love this posting. Our children grow so very fast and we love them more and more each day of their lives even into adulthood. I especially love the picture of you kissing the top of Carl's little head - brings tears to my eyes. I am hoping to make albums for each of the kids and this will be such a lovely picture to include. Life becomes so hectic sometimes ir is really great to be able to take the time to appreciate as you an Brian do on your blogs. Thanks so much for your love of my son and my precious grandchilren. I love and appreciate you very much. Ruth
I look at little Ramona and I think, "What will you be like when you are Carl's age? What things will you like to do? What games will we play together?" I will find out those answers soon enough - time is flying.
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