Why do we do this?
When I said I wanted to update my blog last night Brian said he wasn't sure why he updated his. "I could just as easily send our Mom's the photo's."
But I think this is more than just the sharing of images for others. This is a way to take a few moments and just reflect, for ourselves. And those who choose to share the moment with us get to witness some of our insights and experiences. We don't get to see our loved ones every day... And the truth is, even when you do, there are things that are missed, things that don't get shared. I enjoy seeing Brian's photo's, but I also enjoy reading about the experiences and adventures shared with our children.
Of course I am a few days late with posting the monthly picture. It has felt very busy. Seems I have been working a lot lately with balancing life and various projects, preparing for my presentation and a few different shoots. I've had a hard time keeping my brain straight with everything. Nothing overwhelming just very full.
Okay, onto the photos:
And 20 months later... our little girl is growing fast!
Daddy stretches, so Willow stretches. She loves her Daddy.
On one of our days last week we decided to go to the Mall before the stores open. It is a good place to walk and see a lot. Pablo was a big hit.
We've been reading a lot lately. Carl has rediscovered his Captain Underpants book (thank you Uncle Wilson) and we have been reading it every day. The book is not that long so reading it every day means reading it over and over. I think it is time to check the library for another one. He is just so darn handsome!
But I think this is more than just the sharing of images for others. This is a way to take a few moments and just reflect, for ourselves. And those who choose to share the moment with us get to witness some of our insights and experiences. We don't get to see our loved ones every day... And the truth is, even when you do, there are things that are missed, things that don't get shared. I enjoy seeing Brian's photo's, but I also enjoy reading about the experiences and adventures shared with our children.
Of course I am a few days late with posting the monthly picture. It has felt very busy. Seems I have been working a lot lately with balancing life and various projects, preparing for my presentation and a few different shoots. I've had a hard time keeping my brain straight with everything. Nothing overwhelming just very full.
Okay, onto the photos:
Thanks so much for saying the things about your blog that mean so much to me as a mother and grandmother. Seeing the pictures is great but it means so much more to know what you as parents are thinking and feeling when the pictures are taken and then displayed on the screen to us. Even with Brian's blog as his mother I love seeing his photography and knowing that he is enjoying taking and sharing them with me and others. I know how busy being a working mother can be and feel for you but am very thankful that Brian is the father that Ross wasn't. Keep good thoughts and I fully understand when I don't see new pictures very often but then when I do and read your thoughts it brings a smile to my face knowing how much you enjoy and love your little family. Being so far away is very hard for me since I was so close to my family when the boys were growing up and they say them so very often and experienced what I experiened every day. I love and appreciate you so very much every single day. Ruth
My Beccagirl,
Thank you for sharing your blog[it really means alot more than just picture]. It's nice to hear what is going on with you all too.
Willow has gone from being a cute baby girl to a beautiful little person, and Carl into such a handsome little man.
I love & miss you all so much, Mom
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