A first...
Willow's first tooth poked through yesterday. She doesn't like to show it much - but she will bite you with it. And with some serious aggression I might add. Our babies growing fast! She has also taken to trying to climb up on things too - she can't quite hold herself up so it typically is hazardous but she tries. Kinda scary. What I find most scary is the thought of 2 kids being so dare driven. I could end up in an institution for a nervous breakdown after all or at least heavily medicated....thank goodness for Brian's continued reassurance. (And I don't mean reassurance that I will need either of those choices, Mom!)

Hey, you are a real Mom now[you can read minds]
I love & miss you all.
Hugs & Kisses,Mom
Only 18 more years to go for the really scary times! She has the most beautiful eyes and is that a little red I see in her hair? Love, Gramma
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